CalcIII / Differential Equations

Week 21 Schedule: January 6 - January 12..

Date  Daily lesson materials  Homework


  Teacher workday (no classes)  

  1.1: Differential Equation Intro
  Ch1-2 Blank Notes
  Ch1-2 Filled-In Notes
small_pdf_icon.gif  1.1 Lesson video
  1.1 in packet...
  Ch1-2 Required Practice Packet
  Ch1-2 Required Practice Packet - ANSWERS
  Ch1-2 Extra Practice Packet
  Ch1-2 Extra Practice Packet - SOLUTIONS

  1.2: Initial Value Problems
small_pdf_icon.gif  1.2 Lesson video
  1.2 in packet.

  2.1: Slope Fields, Phase Portraits
small_pdf_icon.gif  2.1 Lesson video
  2.1 in packet.
Plus, for extra credit, watch this video and email me a couple of paragraphs of things you learned:
small_pdf_icon.gif  This is why you're learning differential equations

  2.2: Separation of Variables
small_pdf_icon.gif  2.2 Lesson video
  2.2 in packet.

Calculus III/Differential Equations announcements...

Intro to Differential Equations video

If you didn't register for 2nd semester for Rio, now is the time...

Most students registered for both semester of this course with Rio at the beginning of the year, but if you only registered for first semester, now is the time to register for 2nd semester. Last day for students to self-enroll is February 10, 2025.

The course ID code for Mr. Felling's class periods 2 and 7 is: 19668

Great videos about how what we are learning applies in the real world...

  • small_pdf_icon.gif  3Blue1Brown: Divergence and Curl
    This video explains what a vector field is and gives good intuitive understanding of the means of Divergence and Curl of a vector field.
  • small_pdf_icon.gif  3Blue1Brown: This equation explains (nearly) all of optics
    This video is the very best explanation I've seen yet about how Electric fields work and how light propogates...highly recommended! (the first 11 minutes contain the key part)
  • small_pdf_icon.gif  Maxwell's Equations: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide
    This video does a great job of explaining the physics meaning of how electric and magnetic fields interact and how Maxwell's Equations consolidates multiple, earlier, physics laws. She uses the integral forms of Maxwell's equations instead of Divergence and Curl, but everywhere you see a closed path line integral or a closed surface integral, that term could instead be written using a dot or cross product - the 'divergence and curl form' of Maxwell's Equations.
  • small_pdf_icon.gif  MIT lecture on Electromagnetic Waves
    This longer video is also excellent for a complete, detailed mathematical understanding of how electromagnetic waves are solutions to differential equations developed from Maxwell's Equations (expressed using Divergence and Curl)

General Course Information and Documents...

High-School Course Syllabus and Detailed Course Topics Description:
 Honors CalcIII/DiffEq HS Course Syllabus
 Honors CalcIII/DiffEq Detailed Course Topics Description

If you take this course for Rio Salado credit, you are also subject to the Rio Salado syllabus rules:
 Rio Salado Course Syllabus - MAT241
 Rio Salado Course Syllabus - MAT277

Taking Honors Calculus III/Differential Equations for college credit

You can optionally choose to take this course for college credit by enrolling in the two 3-credit Rio Salado courses MAT240-Calculus with Analytic Geometry III and MAT276-Modern Differential Equations.




Ch12: Vectors and the Geometry of Space...

Ch13: Vector Functions...

Ch14: Multivariable Functions...

Ch15: Multiple Integrals...

Calc3 - Ch16: Vector Calculus

Calc3 - Semester 1 Final Exam

DiffEq - Ch1/Ch2: Intro/Methods of solving first-order DEs

DiffEq - Ch3: Modeling using First-Order Differential Equations

DiffEq - Ch4: Methods of Solving Higher-Order Differential Equations

DiffEq - Ch5: Modeling using Higher-Order Differential Equations

DiffEq - Ch7: Laplace Transforms...

DiffEq - Ch8: Systems of Differential Equations...


Semester 2 Final Exam...

Chapter Calendars

(Note: all information in the future is tentative and may change.)

What to do if you are struggling or behind due to absences...

Try not to miss class, and try to catch up to the class as quickly as possible. When you aren't caught up to the class, it makes it difficult to understand what is going on, so even though you're in class, you aren't getting the maximum benefit from attending. As soon as you realize you are behind, try to catch up as quickly as possible.

Things you can do at home to improve your understanding:

Most important: If you are not understanding, don't wait to get help. Find a way to improve your understanding as soon as possible by using the above ideas.