Honors Finite Math / Brief Calculus
Syllabus & Course Policies

Mr. Felling - sfelling@tuhsd.k12.az.us
Website: www.mrfelling.com
Phone: (480) 706-7900 ext. 70556
The best way to contact me is via email, although phone messages work too – I usually respond within a day or two at most - if I don't, try contacting me again, because something happened to your message.

Tutoring: I work with students in the math office in C114 after school every school day except Wednesdays (due to early release meetings). I cannot work with students before school because I teach a zero hour class. No appointment needed, just come to the math office after school!

Rio Salado Dual-Enrollment Syllabus

If you are taking this course for dual-enrollment college credit from Rio Salado, then these Rio Salado Syllabi...
 MAT217 Syllabus
 MAT212 Syllabus
...apply in addition to the policies on this page for the high school course.

This document provides a detailed listing of topics for each unit covered (mainly for use once in college, if you need something to show your college what was covered during this course in order to determine college credit awarded):
 Honors Finite Math/Brief Calculus Course Description

Goals of this course

The goal of this class is for students to develop two things:

  1. A 'toolbox' of mathematical ideas, facts, and procedures that help when solving the specific kinds of problems we consider in this class.
  2. General problem solving ability – the ability to solve problems students have not yet encountered.

We focus much of our efforts in this class toward conceptual understanding and toward problem solving processes instead of only focusing on obtaining the correct answer. As a result, I always require that students show their work – 'answers-only' is never acceptable, because I need to see the thinking that went into a solution.

Because this is a college math course, I have very high expectations for students.  Don't be discouraged, though - if you were approved to take this class, then you can definitely handle the information and workload.   It is important, however, to keep a few ideas in mind for success:

Honors Finite Math / Brief Calculus is an interesting and useful class!  I look forward to introducing you to these fascinating mathematical topics!

Classroom Environment Policies

Respect is expected – In order to learn, we must have an effective learning environment. We don't usually have behavior issues in honors math classes, but behaviors that disrupt the learning environment will not be tolerated. Learning also requires open communication, and people must feel safe to share their thoughts and ideas. I respect my students, and I expect students to respect me, each other, and themselves.

Cheating - Any communication during or after a test or quiz, or any other form of cheating, will result in a zero on the test or assignment.

All school rules will be enforced.

How Your Grade is Determined

A letter grade is issued for each semester separately. The 1st semester grade is made up of 40% 1st quarter grade, 40% 2nd quarter grade, and 20% semester final exam. Each quarter's grade is determined by total points.

Grading Scale
   A  90%-100%
   B  80%-89%
   C  70%-79%
   D  60%-69%
   F  59% or lower
Rounding: For students earning borderline grades (for example, 89.5%) I determine rounding on a case-by-case basis, generally by considering your chapter test scores and your score on the final exam.

**Grades will be updated on a regular basis (usually every few days). You can check your grades online using your parent or student login for the Synergy online grade system. If you have questions about your grade, please feel free to email me at any time.

Content Knowledge (80-90% of grade)

Chapter Tests: There is always a summary test which covers all major ideas learned in a chapter. The expectation is that students will use the various tools provided (lessons, textbook, classroom practice examples, homework, quizzes, etc.) to thoroughly learn the material in a unit by the date of the chapter test.

Formative Assessments/Homework: The pacing of this class is fast enough that it is difficult to include many quizzes, so we primarily rely on informal methods of assessing student understanding during the units. Homework is the primary tool students have to assess their level of understanding. I strongly recommend that you use homework in the following way:
I use the scores on tests to determine whom I need to call into AcLab to work with in a more individual fashion. I will generally continue to call a student who has done poorly on a test into AcLab until I feel they are caught up and doing well. Due to room/space limitations, I can only call 5-10 students into AcLab (of the 180 students I am teaching, and I teach two different math subjects) so typically, I only work with students who are scoring very low on tests (D,F) in AcLab. If you have a C or above, please try to come to after school tutoring, or ask lots of questions during class to get help.

Effort (10%-20% of grade)

'Share Your Thinking' (worth extra credit)
To encourage positive and active participation in classroom activities students will receive 10 class participation points at the beginning of each quarter (which is entered as a required assignment). Points will be removed for unhelpful behaviors such as being tardy, using cellphones or socializing at inappropirate times.

Points can also be added for students who actively participate by 'sharing their thinking' - solving problems on the board, or just contributing answers and commentary verbally during class-wide discussions and lessons. What is shared doesn't have to be correct for it to count. For every 5 times a student actively shares their thinking, a point is added to class participation. The total number of class participation points can go above the 10 point mark becoming extra credit, up to a maximum of 5 extra credit points for each quarter.

Absences, makeup and retakes policy

The goal of this class is to guide students toward a complete mastery of course material. This is done by making incremental progress steadily throughout the course - much of the later material depends upon mastery of the previous course material. It is very important that students attend class. New material or very important practice work happens every day.

If you miss class, that class lesson is no longer available to you so you will need to find alternate ways to learn the material (read the textbook, review online lecture notes, ask other students in class for help, come to before/after school tutoring for help, etc.) Note that you are still responsible for knowing the material, even if you miss class. You need to read your textbook, get the practice problems off the website and stay caught up as best you can.

My makeup and retake policy aims to encourage students to stay caught up at all times because this is so critical to overall success in the class:

Makeups: The expectation is that tests are taken on the assigned day with the class. Students need to develop the time management skills to be ready to take a test on the day the test is given - this is a key part of preparing students to be successful in college which is often very inflexible regarding test makeups. We understand that sometimes things do happen (illness, unavoidable emergency travel, school-related activities) that cause students to miss class on the day of the test.

If you are absent on the day of the test, the expectation is that you will take the makeup test the day you return to class. The makeup test will often be a different version of the test in order to discourage students who took the test with the class from sharing details with those who are taking the test late.

Here are the times you can take a makeup test if you are absent:
Note: If you are in class on the day of the test and tell me, "I just don't feel ready to take this test" you will still be required to take the test. You need to manage your time and studying so that you are prepared to take the test on the scheduled day of the test.

Retakes: In accordance with Desert Vista math department policy, no retakes are allowed for quizzes or tests in honors math classes.

Keys to Success in this Course

Class Notes

Lessons parallel the topics covered in our textbook, but I usually explain things in alternative ways, so students should plan to take notes in class every day. On www.mrfelling.com, I provide printable 'blank class notes' for each chapter that you can optionally print at home and use in class. This speeds note taking and is recommended. Alternatively, you may choose to take your own notes. Class notes are not graded, but I highly recommend using the printed notes.



You do not need to bring your textbook to school, but please bring your calculator and all other supplies with you to class every day.

Stay caught up - Course topics/schedule

Please use the www.mrfelling.com website the find the latest information on homework, upcoming tests and assignments. Our class page always displays the current week's schedule and homework. For previous or future weeks' homework assignments please click on the chapter calendar links below the weekly schedule.

If you are getting behind...

I am looking forward to exploring math with you! Let’s work together to make this an enjoyable and successful year!
- Mr. Felling